Trout in the Classroom

Kevin Tomlinson and Kelly Voicheck wanted to engage their students innovatively through Trout in the Classroom. Both teachers wanted to provide their students with hands-on, exciting experiences to foster awareness of coldwater conservation and encourage participation in cold water resource projects and recreation programs. Tomlinson and Voicheck presented their proposal at the Foundation’s March 2022 meeting. After hearing their proposal, Perkiomen Valley School District Foundation knew we had to be a part of making this a reality.

The Pennsylvania Trout in the Classroom program is an interdisciplinary environmental education program where PA schools can raise trout from eggs to fingerlings. Tomlinson and Voicheck plan to provide this hand on experience to fourth graders at Evergreen Elementary with opportunities for the rest of the school to observe, study, and interact with their coldwater ecosystem.

Students participating in Trout in the Classroom have already prepared for the trout by setting up the tanks and preparing the materials needed for a wonderful habitat. In January, students will receive trout eggs and begin to learn how to care for trout as they watch them grow. Students and families are excited for the trout eggs to arrive when they return from the holiday break.

Stay tuned for updates!

Kevin Tomlinson

We are truly thankful for the support and generous donation to get our Trout in the Classroom grant approved by the PVSD Foundation.  While exploring various new initiatives, we were drawn to hands-on experience, a broad range of learning outcomes, and real-world application that our idea would include, but finding funding for a startup our program would be challenging.  In bringing this idea to the Foundation, they were so positive and encouraging throughout the process.  We couldn’t help but smile and laugh as we shared our excitement with them regarding the positive impact that we felt like this would have for us, our classrooms, and our community.  The Foundation’s support went towards the purchase of an aquarium tank, and many necessary pieces of equipment that will help us raise trout over the course of the school year.  As students learn about watersheds, water quality, ecosystems, habitats, and other content, we’ll make plans to release our trout into our local Perkiomen Creek later this year.  We look forward to the setup of the tank later this fall, the egg delivery in January, and all of the learning and excitement that will come through this school year, and hopefully the years to come!  We can’t speak highly enough of the positive, welcoming, and supportive team that we have in working with the PVSD Foundation!

2023 – 2024

Trout in the Classroom in the Media

November 7, 2023: Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful (Facebook Post)

May 25, 2023: Baby trout released in creek in Montco, after students spend year caring for them

Support projects like Trout in the Classroom

Teachers don’t always have access to materials, technology, and other resources that can make the difference between a lesson forgotten the next day and one that lasts beyond graduation. That’s where you come in. Your contribution to the PVSD Foundation helps ensure that the Foundation can continue to support teachers in delivering enriching educational opportunities for all students when tax dollars and traditional revenue streams fall short.